
Showing posts from April, 2015

Cultural Foundations. Do They Matter? Oh Yeah...Can They Be Changed? Oh Yeah…

In my frequent travels to Chile in business and social capacities, the inevitable comparisons come up about differing cultural and business practices. I can claim a modicum of ability on the matter from having spent my life working internationally and observing cultural differences. My inspiration is Alexis de Tocqueville, which did similar work, in his seminal work: Democracy in America, published in 1835 and 1840. A missive about our own USA culture and a great read. At the risk of sounding critical about another culture that I happen to love and that I am aiming to change, I will nevertheless venture forth. One consistent complaint from those visiting Chile is the lack of a service culture. This observation is in contrast to the USA culture, which in my experience is second to none. Why the difference? A Chilean friend shared his insights on the question. He is a professional that works in Chile’s number one industry and number one export – cooper.