
Showing posts from July, 2019

Innovating Faster: We don't stop walking when we learn to run, now, do we…

Too many leaders feel that the only way to drive new innovations is to rip up what was there before. This does not make sense. The existing debate over healthcare insurance is a case in point. It is either an entirely new healthcare scheme (government funded) or nothing. The existing employer-based scheme seems to work well but not for all. Why not then try to solve the problem by keeping what works and deriving lessons from what works to create a hybrid solution?   Keep what works and supplement it with another solution that could be government funded. First learn from what works and use it on the supplemental solution. It is in the “walking” or “what works”, where valuable lessons reside; wisdom that innovators can learn from and lessons that can be adapted and tweaked into the next new thing. We don’t throw away walking once we learn to run, now, do we… Levi jeans did not stop making jeans when faced with designer jeans (Jordache started the trend