The Soul and Life learning

So much of innovation is coming up with new ideas and concepts via a change in perspective. (I have included the above picture to stimulate a change in the same before reading on).
I have spoken and written in the past about perspective and the value of changing it often. Many a time I have read about artists needing to travel in order to change their perspectives and drive inspiration and passion.
This entry, however, is about the value of life learning which to me is a constant change in perspective.
I am one that is motivated by constant learning and in thinking about this subject it occurred to me that our social systems do not seem to instill this philosophy. If Leonrado De Vinci espoused it, who can argue against it?
One very simple idea would be to create 10, 20, 30 year University degrees. Who decided that four years is enough? (of course there is Masters and PHD's). But really, why not have life learning degrees that are broader and instead of narrowing the field of studies like a Phd does, why not broaden it? Instead of a Phd in business, how about a life learning degree in a mix of subject such as: conflict resolution, critical thinking, social intelligence?
Just and idea to throw out there for those of us in Innovation...


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