Innovation and Creativity (yes, I know, not again)

Well, yes, here I go on this thing about creativity. I have to post this piece because, again, I feel that as part of the new renaissance that we are living through, the subject of creativity is gaining currency everywhere you look.

The latest example is the venerable HBR (Harvard Business Review). In the April 2008 issue of HBR, they interview Twyla Tharp, the World famous choreographer on the subject of creativity. Here is the link. Please have a look. It is a great interview.

So as not to bore everyone with my own crazy ideas (not so crazy, I am finding out) here is an excerpt from the interview.

"I think everyone can be creative, but you have to prepare for it with routine. There's is no other way around it. It's an absolute mistake to think that art is not practical- or that business cannot be creative."


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