Passion Economy?

So, this is where this thought originated.
I was talking to a colleague about how stupidly we have have organized ourselves inside companies. We "comparmentalized" our thinking and have created these static and vertical buckets: "product development", "product management", "public relations", "marketing"etc...
What we have not created and need to create are "passion" and "creative" management theories that aggregate these skills/abilities into tiger/virtual teams with members that are passionate about the tasks at hand.
In my experience, the first step in selecting a tiger team member is to find those that have the passion. How do you do this? You "shop" it around and those interested will raise their proverbial hands and will want to participate. Moreover, however, Innovation managers need to be very cognizant of the effects management policies will have on people's creative drives; the management ethos should not be process before creative but the other way around.
From there I was thinking about these incredibly passionate people that will go to the ends of the earth for Horses, or Porsches, or Dogs, or Cats, or whatever...
This is not "long tail" stuff, this is deeply rooted passions and thus the idea that there is a "Passion Economy" emerging from all the social media dynamics.
I feel another book coming....


Pete Erickson said…
Great post and I look forward to your future book. A couple good references for how damaging the standard corporate structure is to productivity and innovation are "Management Rewired" by Charles Jacobs and "Primal Management" by Paul Herr. Your notion is supported in these books and I like how you take it further by applying a social media connected society. The possibilities for accelerating innovation, increasing employee satisfaction and growing revenues through better products and services are endless.

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