Keep on Fighting....

How fair is a fight, when all the power of momentum, negativity and denial is tilted to one side?

Ask Obama this question and his answer is: keep on fighting. At the end of the day his job is mind-shifting, a very difficult thing to accomplish in the age of outrageous right wing commentators and supreme court decisions.

Not unlike what some innovators out here experience. In many instances the advancement of Innovation management theories in corporations can be a colossal fight. The combination of institutional momentum (what I call "stagentum" stagnation-momentum), corporate antibodies and old guard practices can become formidable barriers to new ideas and innovation.

How fair is the fight when the power of decision making is with people that don't believe in what one does? How fair is fight when we are ridiculed because we are doing things outside the box? Or we are to "touchy-feely"?

Like I have said before, Innovation is as much an exercise in mind-shifting as is an exercise to find new products/ideas. Innovators are inherently risk takers, be them entrepreneurs or "intrapreneurs". Is this really appreciated and recognized by corporations? Do corporations have a sensing system to find and recognize these people? Do corporations evaluate their people according to risk profiles (how much is a particular employee is "risking" in the performance of his/her job)? Sadly, I feel the answer is not likely.

So, what else is there to do? Nothing but keep on fighting.


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