Atypical Management of...Creative Energy

It occurred to me the other day that our business institutions are being run via the famous triple C's; command, control and communications. This insight came to me after a conversations I had with a friend when he asked me the question:
Is your company accommodating your creative energy?
I was surprised by the question and more surprised by the answer, which could be an entire chapter in an Innovation book.
While this command structure works well in the field of battle, it does not in an environment where people are asked to exercise their creative impulse. This old-new relic from our military complex does - I dare say- the opposite; it refrains humans from fully exploiting their creative wellspring. Companies are simply not structured to accommodate the ever expanding energy of creative individuals.
I am not sure what structures are the best in this regard - there are many - but this is one of the very things that the Innovation movement is trying to address. I think Google has ideas as does Best Buy. GE also has some good ideas as does Apple. All of them - and many others - are experimenting with ways to best stimulate and manage creative energy. This is a great thing for society and it is time to call for a best practices summit on this point.


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