Living on the edge

Two separate and distinct events occurred to my wife and I as we were trying to help people with their specific causes. Please remember that I wrote help - as in going out of our daily routines and struggles to assist another human being with their specific idea and cause.
In both instances the people that we were aiming to help (after getting their approval for us to do so) reacted in ways that were anathema to the situation. Both felt challenged and the basis for these feelings appeared to be caused by a sense of loss of control. In addition, both seemed to have reacted impulsively without giving the circumstances its due deliberation and thought.
This got me thinking, and while I am not a psychologist, it occurred to me that as we live on the edge driven by economic  and social insecurities, we are reacting instinctively and protecting our "space" even when people are trying to help us. Or, is it a more profound issue, where people have lost their ability to distinguish friend from foe because we have been immersed for so long in this mercantilistic culture and "what is in for me" ethos?
Whatever the cause, both are unacceptable and all this will do is stop our collective efforts from helping each other dig out of the mess that we have created for ourselves. This is actually reflected in our political sytem which is a mirror to - yes - us.


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