My Mobile, My Real Estate..

So here is the thing.  I downloaded the last upgrade to my Facebook (FB) app and without warning (that I was able to read readily and was not embedded in legalize that no one can understand) it added two icons to my Android desktop: FB camera (another one that I do not need or want) and FB messenger. I was a bit taken aback by this action. I find it presumptuous of FB to think that I would want those two additional icons on my phone (I don't, btw).
I am not a Facebook power user and I have a life and actually have to work all day so I really do not need these two icons to help FB in their pursuit of "frictionless sharing" (as I discussed in another blog entry). This "sharing" is becoming a study in inane self promotion and "churnalism." Very little of what is posted is actually original and worth a read.
The short of it is that I don't appreciate the presumptuousness displayed by FB. This is arrogant and once a company (free service or no) starts down the path of arrogance, well, you know the story.
I paid for my hardware. It is my handset and my real estate to control and manage. To every app developer out there: please take note.


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