Innovation Stimulus Package: Report from The Information Technology Innovation Foundation

I wonder if we will ever see the day when we have "The Oscar's for Teaching and Education". I was lamenting this very thing with my wife the other day over coffee. Or maybe, we can have "The Oscar's for the greatest Innovation of the year"

In my experience, I find that a "life learning ethos" is a must in any society that wants to be at the front end of change and innovation, and critical to innovation management, creativity and - in general - creative thinking.

I saw a great quote yesterday in the hallway of my daughters school from Gandhi.

"We must be the change that we wish to see"

It fits in that we need to revamp our ideas of what education is and what it is for. It fits because in order to advance our minds and views we need to start the process of becoming life learners with ourselves.

I leave you with the top 8 recommendations from the aforementioned insitute available at:

  1. Allow IT Investments to Be Completely Expensed in 2009
  2. Provide a Tax Credit for Investments in Health IT Made in 2009
  3. Provide $2 Billion to Colleges and Universities That Invest in Needed Research Infrastructure in 2009
  4. Provide a Tax Credit of 50 Percent for Investments in Energy Efficient Equipment in 2009
  5. Provide $1.6 billion for Computers and Broadband for Low-Income Families with Children at Home
  6. Provide an $8 Billion One-Time Infusion into the Highway Trust Fund to Spur Ready-to-Go Surface Transportation Infrastructure Investments
  7. Allow U.S. Companies to Bring Back Foreign Earnings in 2009 at a Lower Corporate Tax Rate
  8. Provide Forgivable Loans to States to Shore Up Budget Shortfalls, Provided That States Expand “Rainy Day" Funds in Later Years


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