We need a new definition of Smart

Yes, here I go again...

Watching and hearing Dr. Greenspan in front of Congress yesterday was truly a revelation in one sense and a confirmation of another. There is a wholesale detachment out there from our leaders that is very hard to comprehend given what is transpiring. It is as if they are operating in a different orbit, immune from the physical world. They speak and move as in a cloud, floating above the chaos and pain. It is truly remarkable.

I understand how it can happen, though, it is that blissful human condition that comes when one is called an "oracle" and when one is drunk with power and hijacked by collective acquiescence. These things have vanquished historical leaders, and here again it has claimed its latest victim.

There is something that Mr. Greenspan said yesterday that resonates with my prevailing ethos that in order to advance innovation thinking you need leaders with a different set of attributes and human assets, not rooted in ego-centered leadership structures and static interpretations of what "smart" is and what "smart" can and cannot contribute to the benefit of society and innovative thinking.

In admitting that he had made mistakes he said (a direct quote) "that he was puzzled that the smartest people on wall street would buy these derivatives" that now are killing our society.
It turns out that 72% of those "derivatives" were purchases by hedge funds, in other worlds the Black Stones of the world with the "smartest" people to come out of business schools.

Now we know that this type of "smart" does not scale well and does not necessarily translate into benefits for the common good. We need new definitionS of smart and thank God this is finally being recognized by the latest brain research. There are many "smart" types or "intelligences" and the key is to deploy these different intelligences at the right time in whatever cycle of a thing or system one is working on, be it a business cycle, a product cycle, a creation cycle, a regulatory cycle, etc...
For more in this, please click on this link. This innovator talks about the new, new brain skills that we need for the future and talks about Daniel Pink's new book " In a Whole New Mind"


This seems to be gaining a hold in Innovation Management circles so why not try it in our regulatory and political elites?


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