Innovation, Technology and...Yes, you guessed, new Jobs

I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Dr Atkinson last month. He is the founder of The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) based in Washington DC. The ITIF is a small think thank producing wonderful reasearch and advancing the cause of technology anb Innovation.

One of its missions is to elevate the profile of technology and Innovation as a driver of economic growth and economic development. The following report is a must read for everyone in Innovation Policy circles:

Based on my conversation with Dr. Atkinson it appears that there people in government that do not believe -let me repeat - DO NOT believe that the greatest economic expansion of all time during the 90's happened - in large part - because of technology and Innovation. Apparently the Internet, digital telecommunications, Google, the wireless revolution, the Iphone...all of it happened becuase for other reasons and had nothing to do with new Innovations hitting the market and changing the very core of how we communicate and live.

There you have it folks...Yep, sad but true...


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