
Showing posts from May, 2019

Design Thinking And Our Enhanced Humanness

About 10 years ago - in this very blog - I coined the term: frictionless sharing . The term never went viral, but some readers did make note of it and some even used it. With that term I was attempting to predict the day when we would share media and data in a matter of nano-seconds thanks to our smartphones and enhanced UX’s designed to do just that. More sharing means more attention on web sites, which in turn means more advertising served. And, well, here we are.   It has come to pass. We are now perhaps witnessing an emerging trend that may go the other way. I am starting to sense some people sharing less due to the concern with unsecure behavioral data fusing with analytics, and of course, the ever-present growing concern of big brother and AI tracking what we are saying, publishing and doing. Perhaps, then, it is time for a new term to be coined: contextual sharing. That is a propensity to share less via a more targeted approach and to those that are close