
Showing posts from May, 2022

The Great Shift Continues. " The Older I Get, The More Buddha I feel."

A colleague of mine shared the below statement that a CEO uttered to him when negotiating a consultancy contract. "The older I get, the more Buddha I feel." Why, you may ask, did this CEO utter that statement? Because we are transitioning (not fast enough) from command-and-control management structures to flat, autonomous, multidisciplinary teams of creative people (we are ALL creative beings) empowered to change the world. Thankfully, we are moving into a more human-centered approach to solve problems.  I don't blame capitalism. After all, the only reference it had when born was military structures. No more. Yes, we should borrow ideas from the military (such as situational awareness) but if you want creativity and innovation, those command-and-control, top-down organizational structures are going the way of the internal combustion engine. When I share my life mission to mentor and empower creative and innovation mindsets, I am usually asked: Do you mean entrepreneurs?