
Showing posts from August, 2010

Digital: Disrupts absolutely & creates resolutelty.

Immersion and hyper-learning new concepts, ideas, business models absolutely leads to new ways of thinking that with time mature into new ways of seeing. One aspect of Innovation is developing a quick sense of how things will change purely from observing how people adopt and use technology. From there one can play "what if" scenarios and of course try to capture as many different scenarios as possible. I have been on record saying that the digital revolution will impact everyone and everything. But sometimes one has a hard time conceptualizing the exact "hows" even after extensive scenario development. Here is one that I just read about and that basically blew me away. Of course, I never developed deep scenarios in this particular industry, but nevertheless, I was stunned by the finding. It turns out that digital natives are very comfortable with having friendships online; their sense of having to see, feel and be present in three dimensional space is not necessary