
Showing posts from December, 2014

IoT, Innovation and Adoption Conversation: Part II

Below is a re post of a chat in HBR Group. Enjoy. Lot of value here.  Companies have not, are not, mostly will not, be ready and/or adopt IoT in a timely fashion. I am not talking about startups building those new value-circles, or tech corps in the know. I am talking about the big incumbents.  From my perspective having lived disruption (enabling new techs that can transform products such as VOIP for Telecom) the big boys (or gals) have a hard time finding the intersections and engage in dangerous reductions in complexity. This is why innovation methodologies like Design Thinking are making such headway (CapitalOne, Apple, IBM, 3M, others...). They are designed to deconstruct and self-disrupt supply chains and force one to find the white spaces that can be improved (digitized and "IoTized" shall we say :-)). Given the pace of digital techs (positive and negative) now self-disruption should be mandatory. Just ask Sony... I also love helping corps self-disrupt. But,

LI - HBR Blog Post: The Changing Nature of "Value"

Kind of interest for all of us here - I imagine agents of change in the forefront of technology- to still be held back by the tyranny of the status quo and ancient and static thinking frameworks. Take "Value" We could spend ages talking about what value is and the changing nature of value. Unfortunately, too often it is equated with ROI and financial metrics. As Glen Cage so well say it: "Who would have thought a decade or two ago that giving away one's work for free would make money?" There is new hidden/unmeet value being born everyday. Take the sharing economy allowing the creation of "value" in dormant assets like our spare bedroom. But wait, that is economic value. How about the social value of meeting a new human and expanding relationships via the sharing economy. There has to be value in that, isn't there? Call it soul value. Call it connecting value. After all the sharing economy (greatly advanced and promoted by the mobile and app revo

Life and IoT

I have lived the telecom revolution of the 90's. Lived the mobile revolution of the 2000's. I lived the social revolution of the late 2000's and now living the "cloud" revolution. All, amazing revolutions that have changed how we live and who we are. Even how we use our brains.  The coming of IoT is nothing short of mind-blowing as compared to past revolutions. It consolidates all of them into immensely powerful and practical applications that will change us -again.  Now we will be able to tell what food stuff is missing from our refrigerators via a notification on our mobile app. Better yet, it will notify the grocery store that will prepare the package so one can collect it on the way home or be delivered by drone or autonomous car. Now we will be able to navigate via internal "GPS" inside buildings by using new elevation sensors that will be imbedded in new chip steps in our life management devices we call smart-phones. Now our devices will be able to