LI - HBR Blog Post: The Changing Nature of "Value"

Kind of interest for all of us here - I imagine agents of change in the forefront of technology- to still be held back by the tyranny of the status quo and ancient and static thinking frameworks.
Take "Value" We could spend ages talking about what value is and the changing nature of value. Unfortunately, too often it is equated with ROI and financial metrics.
As Glen Cage so well say it: "Who would have thought a decade or two ago that giving away one's work for free would make money?"
There is new hidden/unmeet value being born everyday. Take the sharing economy allowing the creation of "value" in dormant assets like our spare bedroom. But wait, that is economic value. How about the social value of meeting a new human and expanding relationships via the sharing economy. There has to be value in that, isn't there? Call it soul value. Call it connecting value. After all the sharing economy (greatly advanced and promoted by the mobile and app revolutions) connect and unite people into new social and economic value creating circles.
Uber is one in the news now completely re-imagining new value for the taxi industry.
So, the whole value thing needs to be re-imagined and anticipated. Period. If one does not then you have struggling and self destructive industries like telecom (now under digital disruption for a good 20 years and margins in the 1 to 3%) and the taxi industry (about 4 years) already reducing top-line revenues for existing taxi corps anywhere from 30% to 60%.
One must anticipate new versions and definitions of value and meet them head on.  One must adopt this new techs (big data+IoT) being another immensely powerful combination. One must adapt and self-disrupt. There is simply no other choice.


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