Life and IoT

I have lived the telecom revolution of the 90's. Lived the mobile revolution of the 2000's. I lived the social revolution of the late 2000's and now living the "cloud" revolution. All, amazing revolutions that have changed how we live and who we are. Even how we use our brains. 
The coming of IoT is nothing short of mind-blowing as compared to past revolutions. It consolidates all of them into immensely powerful and practical applications that will change us -again. 
Now we will be able to tell what food stuff is missing from our refrigerators via a notification on our mobile app. Better yet, it will notify the grocery store that will prepare the package so one can collect it on the way home or be delivered by drone or autonomous car. Now we will be able to navigate via internal "GPS" inside buildings by using new elevation sensors that will be imbedded in new chip steps in our life management devices we call smart-phones. Now our devices will be able to anticipate our next move and predict which lane on your way to work is faster. Now we will be able to be agents in provide collective security to society using cloud, video, NFC, and peer to peer capabilities in our life management devices. 

All industries will be disrupted by IoT. And all industries can benefit from their upside. All industries need to prepare by understanding where they sit and how they can play.


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