IoT, Innovation and Adoption Conversation: Part II

Below is a re post of a chat in HBR Group. Enjoy. Lot of value here. 

Companies have not, are not, mostly will not, be ready and/or adopt IoT in a timely fashion. I am not talking about startups building those new value-circles, or tech corps in the know. I am talking about the big incumbents. 

From my perspective having lived disruption (enabling new techs that can transform products such as VOIP for Telecom) the big boys (or gals) have a hard time finding the intersections and engage in dangerous reductions in complexity.

This is why innovation methodologies like Design Thinking are making such headway (CapitalOne, Apple, IBM, 3M, others...). They are designed to deconstruct and self-disrupt supply chains and force one to find the white spaces that can be improved (digitized and "IoTized" shall we say :-)).
Given the pace of digital techs (positive and negative) now self-disruption should be mandatory. Just ask Sony...

I also love helping corps self-disrupt. But, it is essential that those helping these albatrosses move forward, have lived the journey and have the mindsets. I have seen too many pretenders walk through corporate hallways pushing ideas and PPT's with little substance and nothing but regurgitation's coming from the existing culture they are trying to help.
IoT is huge and will spread like wildfire and will enable new and improved models and supply chains guaranteed.

Just recently gave a speech to the construction industry in Chile and we played the game of what would be possible with IoT for them. I forced them to image a future of smart-building packed with sensors, all buildings interconnected and "sensing."  Create a "cooperative" that aggregates the data and sells it to the Google's and Amazon's of the world for internal navigation purposes and cyber corps for protection of entire cities. It took a bit to comprehend, but they eventually got it. Like you well said: "Control the platform" But I would update to say provide and nurture the network (the network effect) of those providing the data much like the internet companies do so well (google, Facebook, What app, Uber, etc..). It is all about the data that IoT will provide, much like Leonel said in his post: " IoT is a physical device reacting to a piece of data, or communicating a piece of data. The new thing is doing it over the internet. This feeds internet and the device with a lot more data to use."


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