Innovative Thinking: Cast a new perspective just for fun!

Here is a fantastic example of innovative thinking. By totally shifting their perspective, these two researchers from Duke University have uncovered a brilliant new way of understanding fuel consumption and where we ought to focus our efforts. A very simple shift from "miles per gallon" to "gallons per mile" opened up an entire new way of seeing and finding solutions.

Here is the link:

Next time you are confronted with some spare time, recast old ways of thinking into new ones just for the fun of it.; you will be amazed at what you can come up with.
One example for my industry, Telecom.
Old thinking: "We provide telecommunications infrastructure services to industry and consumers."
New Way of thinking: "Our technology and communications infrastructure enables the World's creative impulses."
Perhaps if had done this little exercise a few years back, we would have anticipated trends that we have sorely missed.


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