Digital Innovation; It does and will change everything

I hate to say it...but I told them so...

The scene was a digital event in Hollywood about 1 year ago when I ventured the comment that there will come a time when digital technology will allow the making of entire movies without actors.

The responses from the audience ranged from a resounding "no way" to "it will never happen" to "you are crazy"

It never ceases to amaze me how dismissive people continue to be regarding the power of digital technology. It is a form of willful ignorance. Not unlike that displayed by our politicians that refuse to adopt new ideas becuase they simply do not understand them.

So, here we are a year later and a new technology/product called Aguru Dome offers exactly what I postured 1 year ago; the ability to make real-life digital doubles so real that we are almost there in terms of not needing actors.

Interestingly enough, I have no seen a lot of the traditional media carry this news item. I actually found it on a BBC web site in Spanish and then traced it to this site in English:

I don't know what other proof people need to understand the transformational nature of the times we are living; maybe this latest fact will finally make them see the light and develop the much needed sense of urgency. Perhaps this time with the palpable fear that the culture of fame is under attack by software code will make people understand.

Just image, making movies without the heavy expense of $$ millions currently paid to actors and their egos? I think script writers, directors, producers are probably salivating at the thought...

The power of Innovation continues undaunted in its pursuit to change everything!


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