Taxi Wisdom...

"They all work for me” he said..

In my world a slice of life is an occasion where ones soul is nurtured and enriched with new insights and discoveries. It should be the task of all of us to find meaning on those small moments that to most go unnoticed and un-contemplated. This is the stuff of new learning’s and insights.
Here is an idea: what if life is nothing but a sequence of new beginnings, all of them motivated by new learning’s? My latest slice of life episode was a conversation I had with a taxi driver on the way to the airport.
His name was Farooq and he had very interesting life lessons distilled from a difficult life on the road. You see, his philosophy was that all people around him, all of us humans going about our life movements, those of us that interact with him and his taxi. All of us, doing the mundane things of existence, all of us work for him.
He went to explain that by these interactions and by his positive and non-judgmental reactions to them he is facilitating for others to do their work better, releasing positive energy which in-turn facilitate the lives and work of others that may be his future riders.
During the ride to the airport, he was tested and what a beautiful test it was. As we were merging into the highway there was an instance where it was obvious that a truck, itself merging into traffic, was going to cut us off and instead of playing his horn to push him out of the way, he did so to invite him to get in front of him.
“You see, he is working for me and therefore I have to help him do his work better”
Then he went to say that awhile back he had done an analysis and quantified how much time he had lost when another vehicle had cut him off. He said he added the time for 20 instances (taking into consideration that most he vehicles he passed later on anyways) and his grand total was….ready….60 seconds!

I work for Farooq.


Anonymous said…
We work for and with each other. Put another way: It takes a village to...

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