Communications, Staying in Touch, A rant

So here is the thing…It seems as though with all this communications technology out there – please, let me count the ways: phone (talking), email, IM, Twitter, SMS, web email, Facebook, linkedIN, community portals, etc… people seem to be in touch less, at least as it concerns the digital immigrants. You know... us old folks...that is, anyone not born since Microsoft has been a life force.

This frustrates the heck out of me because I have members of my communities that do not exercise their communication muscle via these new technologies. They are stuck on the old world and use that “talking” medium to the exclusion of everything else…”Oh, I don’t know how to text”, goes the old refrain…Well, LEARN…”Oh, I am just too tired to call at the end of the day” Well, send an SMS or email or twitter or IM, saying so!

Please, here are a few insights on this subject in no particular order of importance; just top of mind thoughts:

1) Communication is not just about talking on the phone; it is also about being in touch, providing life status to your friends and community and - very simply – showing that you care…Life is for sharing, right?

2) Using these new technologies will open new channels of communications with your kids; guaranteed. A good thing in anyone’s book.

3) If you don’t choose to use any of these technologies to reach out – then, in my book – you are saying you don’t wish to remain linked to that person. Period.

4) Writing an SMS to say, for example, “Got your VM…Jammed….We’ll cal bak in few days” takes less than 30 seconds, surely an adequate investment with the people you care about. Moreover, there are ways to stage these messages and send them with little effort. Let me see, 30 seconds is a TV commercial…can you spare that time? I think yes…

5) Moreover, if you have a Smartphone – such as an iPhone, G1, Blackberry, etc…there is NO excuse for you to not be able to send a note via any of these mediums to the people you care about.

6) What is wrong with being proactive and occasionally sending a TEXT (SMS) to all your friends, community…whatever…saying…”Have you in mind, Hope all is well”

News Flash: It is a NEW world out there. This world is no longer static and one-dimensional, it is dynamic, intersectional and engaging. It is real-time, cooperative and collaborative, and it’s fast. It has become all these things and like it or not it will stay this way.

Please adopt these Innovations and be in Touch!


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