The Greatest Risk of All...

Having just come back from international travel and being an spectator to the latest fear mongering that the Mexican drug cartels will invade the USA and kill us all, it never ceases to amaze me how wantonly unsophisticated some of the thinking of our citizenry really is. Even our supposed leaders – to my dismay - exhibit similar characteristics. Yet again, more evidence of the emotional sinkholes that some of citizenry has become. We simply cannot get past the emotional thinking traps spouted by irresponsible talking heads via our shiny flat screens now casting their images in fine, bombastic details.

We have lost our ability to think critically and analytically- period.

Please, please, people start thinking. Take classes that teach improvisional thinking, understand statistics, read history and understand why things are the way they are. Discover that we drive the violence in Mexico via our drug consumption. Understand that we spend $60 Billion on the war on drug for the sake of 35 Million addicts and that this is not a good return on investment. Please understand that we are supplying the weapons to them and please understand that our choice to allow the sale of assault rifles in America is allowing Mexican drug operators to come to USA and buy these weapons. Please understand that our hunger for cheap products and services is driving China to produce defective products that poison us and drive immigrants here to cut our lawns, build our houses, and make our hamburgers.


In reading the latest brilliant innovation re-thinking treatise on risk and the need to reorient ourselves on how we perceive risk, occurred to me that the greatest risk to America is these aforementioned inabilities. Why? Because when you really think about it, all decisions result from our selections and choices and if we are not capable of distinguishing fact from fiction, we can cause serious damage to the entire world. Need proof? We are living the results of our poorly conceived choices of the last eight years. There is simply no argument on this fact.

Like Benjamin Franklin once said: “Investment in knowledge always pays the best Interest”
So let us start…


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