Static Vs. Dynamic. Again

One of the “global” themes that cut across my opinions and writings is that nothing will remain static and everything will becoming dynamic. From how we build cars to how we relate to our customers and children.
Why? Because communications technology and Innovations are making it so and telecom carriers are a critical piece of the puzzle in enabling this “dynamism.” As such they need to continue to shift their thinking from “network based” to “creative enablement.” But I digress.

Everything – and I mean everything - out there is subject to the static vs. dynamic dichotomy and enterprises need to adapt to this paradox. For starters we need to develop different and more dynamic KPI’s (key performance indicators).

This became evident the other day in an exchange I had with some innovation colleagues on the question of entrepreneurs vs. "intrepreneurs" (those inside corporate environments “doing” innovation- iPhone anyone!) and which are more effective and which add more value to the society as whole.

This is a HUGE, GINORMOUS topic that one could write a book about, but for now let me explode one little, itty bitty sub matter in this debate. And that is the issue of motivation and what drives people to innovate.

One gentleman made the point that entrepreneurs are more successful because they have equity and thus a stake in the success of a new Innovation. I don’t disagree and, yes, we need entrepreneurs to create new industries and they are absolutely motivated by the proverbial golden pot. Where the hypothesis is mistaken is in the assumption that everyone is moved by this “extrinsic” motivator. There are many people motivated by other “intrinsic” motivators as well and that will innovate inside enterprises all day long and that are not motivated by a pot of gold.

Yes, I know, a cliche, but I will nevertheless say it: Money is not everything and KPI’s for individuals (intrepreneurs) should incorporate a blend of extrinsic and intrinsic KPI’s. For more on this, please go to www.TED.COM and see Dan Pink’s (author of “A Whole New Mind”) video on this. It is fascinating.


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