Is Reality Broken?

I think the author of this piece and book is on to something powerful.

Brain research is already showing that digital natives are using their brains in different ways. I won't go into how they are different, but if awareness is in fact our own individual cerebral projections (as some brain scientists attest) well then, maybe digital natives do in fact see and "use" reality in a different way.
Case in point: research shows that digital natives are not so prone to own autos. Why? Simple, they are comfortable with having relationships on-line and thus are not compelled to buy cars so they can drive to see their friends. From our digital immigrant perspectives this is crazy of course, but herein is the challenge of innovators: we must have open minds and accept new realities however different they may be to ours.
Back to gaming and in its defense; it is changing everything. Even the way we learn when you bundle it with story telling. The retention rates learning via these means are much higher. Example (proven fact by brain science) and a fact I already cited in this blog. If you record yourself performing and perfecting an activity- call it playing a piano sequence- you will learn 30% faster by watching yourself doing it. So, does this learning improvement mean that learning via raw and rogue reality is "broken" vis-a-vis learning by watching a digital video of reality?
Moreover, gaming skills/abilities are playing a big role in warfare since now you can do it via remote control/drones. So, if war is a "broken reality" then why not deal with it via a gaming console, thus lowering human and financial costs?
Then there is the concept of cessation. It is pretty clear that we humans have a hard time achieving adequate states of cessation without grave consequences to the entire world. As Bruce Springsteen's song says: "rich man will not be happy until he owns everything." If gaming can achieve a state of cessation on-line perhaps that will translate to the real world and in turn help humanity.
Reality definitely seems to be broken and perhaps, just perhaps gaming could help us rescue it.


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