
We all know the feeling of uncertainty and how it can affect our behaviors and way of being. What is more tragic, in my view,  is the inability of those with power to reduce uncertainty and to not do so because of their individual emotional and/or ideological perceptions. As they say: "most see the world as they are and not as it truly is." This ailment seems be even more pronounced in those with power, I guess because they have more to loose.
So what happened to empathy, searching for common good, collaboration, vision, passion? It seems like we are at the end of doing things the old way so when will these qualities and attributes kick in and be recognized for what they can bring to the World? 
I don't have the answers but one thing is for sure, we need for this to happen sooner rather than later and for those of us with these qualities, we need to force ourselves into environments where we can effect positive change and reduce uncertainty.
One way to start is to study, analyze and design communications strategies designed to shift minds. Moreover, we need to do so with the help of neuro-science.  There is so much being written and discovered in this field that is now time to start aggregating this data and making sense of it. The latest book by Sam Sommers: Situations Matter: Understand How Context Transforms your World is the latest book on the subject and it provides many ideas on how to manage our communications strategies now with the ingredient of context added to it. Simply fascinating and a great summer read. 


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