Net Neutrality And The Continued Growing Power of "BIG"

The latest court ruling on Net Neutrality is really not surprising.  It is a continuation of an economic trend favoring big business.

In isolation this latest decision is, I believe, detrimental to economic development in general terms at a time when access to broadband and its associated app-derived services is becoming a human and business right. 

It should be a right to efficiently and effectively access the digital economy that at the end of the day is the DE FACTO ECONOMY and vehicle to the digital revolution for now and the next, well, whatever many years.

But wait. This decision -  when taken together with the other policy and legal decisions in the near past - really proves to be as chilling as a polar vortex.

Let me mention just two:

1    1) Citizens United – Basically this decision opened the flood gates to corporate money to influence practically everything. Perhaps this decision by the courts was unduly influenced by the oceanic sized-pool of money floating in our economy?

2    2) American Invent Act – Again, this act gives immense power to corporate interests with their oceanic-sized pools of capital to file patent claims (average cost for a patent filing is now near $10K). You see, the system was changed from first-to-invent (even drawings in back of napkins were accepted as evidence of invention) to first to file. What this means is that corporations with their army of lawyers will file patents for anything and everything. Just ask and entrepreneur in Silicon Valley that was trying to start a company with an idea for preventing heart attacks. Short story, he could not due to being trapped by a multitude of patents filed by large companies that basically prevented him from creating a new product. In describing his riddle to an audience in a local meet-up in Silicon Valley, he was so perturbed by these findings that he began to cry.

I am not an investigative reporter and I don't have time to write a book on this, but the coming together of all these events, and legal and policy decisions are sure to kill the little guy and their limited sources of capital and influence.

Welcome to the new America. The land of the free to influence and brave to conquer. With lots of money, that is.


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