Empathy, Economics and Culture: Yes, it is happening

Trying to tap into the zeitgeist is not an easy thing, but as someone said (paraphrasing): one can never be wrong in trying to bring the future forward.
I am starting to hear and read a lot about empathy. (Yes, that human quality that rumor has it we all possess but has been somewhat suppressed by our acquisitive culture.) Books are being written about it and one that I read recently is www.wiredtocare.com/, a book written by Dev Patnaik, an innovation consultant/guru and all around nice guy.

So being someone that likes to look for evidence (anecdotal of course) in real life – you know, life is it happens here and now, visceral, raw, cultured & civil- I have been listening and have found evidence that people are thinking a little more empathetically.

I won’t deny it, most of the people exhibiting this new found awareness are what I call “new life agents”; people that are a bit more advanced in terms achieving a holistic humanist vision regarding the whole spiritual/life/purpose/balance thing. Nevertheless, the point is that there seems to be the start of a new awareness.

The first example is a friend of mine who used to sell mail order high-end beauty/dietary supplement products; you know those natural and organic concoctions that promise to make one stop aging? In any case, she was really doing well selling lots of the stuff ($$$) and all of a sudden she stopped doing it. I of course asked why and I was shocked by the answer. She had stopped because she discovered her customers (many that could not afford it) where buying (hoarding it she called it) the stuff and getting in debt doing so. She said she simply could not be part of that.
Wow! I often wonder if Wall Street executives have ever thought in these terms. I surmise most likely not.

Another example not long ago was from a guy that was buying a small car and not an SUV (OMG: sacrilege!!) I asked why and he said well I want to help the environment and want to buy a car that is ULEV rated. (ULEV stands for ultra low emissions vehicle for those of you uninitiated on matters automotive.)
Wow! Wouldn’t it be nice if all of us would be motivated in such ways? Who knows, perhaps we can change the world after all.

I think we can, is my answer, and we can start by thinking how we can make our companies more empathetic – and yes – capture this trend for money making ventures.


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