Virtual and Interpersonal skills..Oh yeah, Facebook as well

Two thoughts. One on innovation management, the other on innovation casting:

1) In a globalized world where virtual and matrix management is becoming the rigor, we need to change how we manage processes and people. One thing is for certain, however. Personality, energy conveyance and the ability to stimulate, motivate and persuade are still relevant and I would argue more so. The only difference is that now these attributes need to be projected via digital means: video calls, conference calls, the written word on emails, etc…What does this mean? It means that communications and interpersonal kills are more important than ever and need to developed even more so. How to improve on these: attend improvisational sessions, take acting lessons, learn how other cultures communicate and take media training…This just for starters.
2) My wife and I were brainstorming yesterday as to why Facebook users have (some of them) this incessant need to update their profiles constantly. The answer we came up with is that FaceBook is the new digital village and “updates” is the equivalent of walking across the central park where everyone could see you and what you were doing. For those having trouble visualizing this: imagine a small village in the Amazon with all the shacks in the periphery and a big central and open area on the middle. You decide to go fishing: you grab the rod and you walk across to your brother’s shack to “pick him up”, etc…all activities were in full view to everyone on the village and everyone new what you were up to….
3) OK one last one on the mobile application revolution that is going on: There are 85K applications now available on the Apple Application store. Most people download a bunch (40 seems to be about the average) but most of us only use 5 or at most 10. (Something to do with humans only having 24 hours a day comes to mind.)
So, what is the next revolution: automatic, non-engagement apps that one can set up and run automatically. Any comments from all you developers out there? Have I just stimulate the creation of the next app? If so, hey, please remember: you first read it here..


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