Passion Economy II and Movie Industry…

I hear in NPR this am about the transition that you, the movie industry, will have to go through with the digital revolution. As one that has been imbedded into your space over the last few years and living in your world; I can only say that it will be painful. I know this because we Telecom people have experienced the disruption that digital has caused on us over the last 10 years and we see many parallels with your industry.

But, don’t despair fellow movie executives. We are here to help you if you will listen. We have been through this and we can give you a lot of advice and here is but one piece: Think of your industry not just as a provider of entertainment and look for other ways to categorize what you do. Play what/if scenarios and and/yes scenarios. For example, one of the big discoveries of what Telecom does (sadly retrospectively) is that we “enable creativity.” If we had known this at the beginning of the digital attack on our industry, who knows, perhaps we would be Google.

So, let me get you started: think “passion”. How do you apply this concept of passion and the passion economy to your revenue models? Well, think in terms of community and audiences and think in terms of all these passionate fans that you have out there for your brands: IronMan, Batman, Spiderman, Jason Bourne, 007, etc….Now start thinking how you could appeal to some of these fans and perhaps create a “new window” prior to a movie release where you could have exclusive, fan-based content. The sure thing about passionate people is that they will pay more for their passion.

So, this is just one example…Go crazy and play exhaustive what ifs and and/yes…trust me, it works.


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