The Energy of Rebirth.

Innovation is at times pressing the reset button and starting anew, rejoicing in the new energy that is thrust upon us when exploring with new eyes and minds wide open.

Liberating the soul to explore new horizons and possibilities is part of the human condition; It is at the core of what liberty means. Once new conditions are unleashed and unshackled, everything seems possible.

I had one of those moments this AM where I could feel this new energy; a sort of rebirth.

Like it or not, the events of last night have shaken every social dynamic and construct; it is truly a colossal event full of portent and potential.

My day today started at 3:00 am, as I needed to catch a flight to the West coast. After an instantaneous waking I performed a quick check of CNN and quickly discovered the ground shaking events of last night putting the first "black" president in office.

I was elated not for reasons that most people would suspect; I was elated because the USA and the world needed to come together in a desperate way and Obama was, without a doubt, the only person to perform this magic.

As I made my way to the security line at the airport, the line was short and quick (benefits of early flights and mid-week schedules). When it came my turn to present my boarding pass, I did so to the security person that happened to be an African American woman. As I handed her my boarding pass and license she greeted me with a cheery "good morning" to which I responded "a very good morning indeed."
In turn, she responded: "yes, time for new beginning and coming together."

The energy of rebirth is palpable and has been unleashed.

It will all be alright in the latest installment of reinventing America.


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